
Media Centre

The Festival Media Office is open for 2011. 

For all media inquiries contact: 
Popular Press Media Group (PPMG)

Media Accreditation
Download the media accreditation form for 2011.

Media Releases
All releases will be available in this media section. They also are emailed as html, to everyone in the VIFF media database. Releases are not mail or fax releases.

Photo Library
The IRCFF 2011 Image Library will be available September, 2011.

Email Updates
In addition to media releases, we send frequent email updates to media in the database. These informal advisories cover topics such as media screening schedules, VIP guests expected at the galas and interview opportunities. If you wish to receive these emails, please make sure to contact us with your current email address.

Media Database Additions
Journalists wishing to be added to the IRCFF media database should send an email to with ADD in the subject line.

In the body of the email, you must include the following:
    •    your name, media organization and its web address
    •    your role (-film critic, arts reporter, researcher, photographer, etc.)
    •    your preferred postal address, your email address and daytime phone number
Include a brief description of your media organization – type, circulation or audience, frequency, etc. – or, if freelance, information on your primary outlets.

If your email does not include all the requested information, we will not add you to the list. We cannot add non-media to this database. Please note, that being in the database does not automatically confer accredited status; you must apply separately for media accreditation.