

2011 Submissions
Submissions for 2011 begin in January. The IRCFF runs Sept 16 – 18, 2011.

Submissions close: July 15, 2010 (postmarked)

North American
Submissions close: August 1, 2010 (postmarked)

The 2011 International Romantic Comedy Film Festival will present films from the USA and around the world, comprised of features, television series pilots, shorts, documentaries and will award prizes for the best of categories.

- Award for Best US Feature 
- Award for Best International Feature
- People’s Choice Award for Best Feature
- People’s Choice Award for Best International Feature

- Award for Best Television Pilot
- People’s Choice Award for Best Television Pilot

- Award for Best Award Best Documentary Award
- People’s Choice Award for Best Documentary Award

- Award for Best Short Film Award
- Award for Best International Short Film
- People’s Choice Award for Best Documentary Award

- Award for Best Student Short Film Award
- People’s Choice Award for Student Short Film Award 

More Info
For enquires, contact or 310-600-0575.